Monday, September 19, 2011

What GLA Means

Honestly, I had no intention of being silent for so long after my return from Haiti.  I wish I could say that life in Calgary ramped up to full-speed soon after I got back, but it was a slow summer in terms of work.  My parents visited for a couple of weeks, and I have struggled with some health issues.  Fall is looking much better. Perhaps I’ll write about my struggles at some point.  But today, inspired by a plea from Tom Vanderwell (GLA’s Manager of Partner Relations) to help the children of Haiti one more time, I want to tell you what God’s Littlest Angels means to me, in the hopes of inspiring you, too. 

The two weeks I spent at GLA this summer touched my heart in so many ways. I was moved by the daily hardships that are part of life in Haiti, and even more so by the staff at GLA.  The nannies who work tirelessly to keep the children in line, while loving them as if they were their own.  The kitchen staff who cook for sometimes 40 volunteers and staff at one time.  The nurses and nannies in the NICU, who give so much of themselves and often work around the clock to make a life-saving difference for premature or sick infants.  The office staff, who give their all to keep the orphanage running smoothly.  Dixie, who oversees the daily operations for GLA in Haiti, and her husband John, who manages the maintenance for all of GLA’s buildings (which is no easy task in Haiti, where electricity is sporadic, generators break down, and things in general are known to malfunction more often than they do in North America).  I was amazed at what it takes to keep the place running. 
But mostly, my heart was touched by the precious children.  They are the reason that all of the above-mentioned people work so hard.  I was moved by the big tears - and big smiles - of the babies in the nursery.  Okay, the smelly diapers were moving too, but in a different way! I was amazed at how many developmental changes I saw in two short weeks, due to the willingness of volunteers to work with the babies and toddlers, and to show them unconditional love.  These kids have been through more trauma in their short lifetimes than we can even imagine here in Canada. 

So what does GLA mean? It means a lot of people working relentlessly to battle the hardships of life in Haiti, to battle forces of spiritual darkness, and to be a light to the children who need to know that love exists, that they are worth it, and that somebody wants good things for them. 

Now you know what it means to me.  But what does it mean for YOU? There are two important ways you can help today! GLA has entered the Giving of Life Contest, in hopes of winning a grant. First prize is $50,000, second prize is $20,000 and third prize is $10,000.  A grant in any of those amounts would be a significant help in keeping GLA running during the coming year, as well as with the construction of the new orphanage at Fort Jacques.  So, how can YOU help? By going to the Giving of Life website and CASTING YOUR VOTE.  GLA is currently in 4th place with over 6000 votes.  Please help to boost them into the Top 3.  It’s easy to do and only takes a minute! And if you register more than one email address, you can vote multiple times!
Another way you can assist is by donating directly to the Hairless for Haiti campaign, which you can read about here. 

Thanks for helping, even in seemingly small ways.  It all adds up to success for the Angels in Haiti. 

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