Saturday, June 18, 2011

One More Sleep!

Well, except for a few shower items I'll need in the morning, I have finally finished packing! It's been a long day, and I will be happy to crawl into bed before 10 PM tonight.  Tomorrow night I will be staying in a Miami hotel before heading to Port-au-Prince on Monday around lunch time. 

People have been asking me if I’m excited or nervous.  My answer has typically been, “a little of both”.  I am definitely excited! This is the adventure of a lifetime for me (so far).  However, for that exact reason, it’s also a little scary.  If you are familiar with the Canadian yoga retail outlet “Lulu Lemon Athletica”, you’ll likely recognize the phrase: Do one thing a day that scares you.  It’s one of the many slogans printed on a number of their products, such as water bottles, gym bags and shopping bags.  I’m not sure I do something every day that scares me.  But Monday will be a day to make up for all the other days, when I have been less-than-courageous.  I will land in a third world country for the first time in my life.  I will be the minority when it comes to skin colour and language.  I will have to trust that my driver will be there to pick me up and that he will actually take me to the correct orphanage.  Which leads to my next point...

If you are a person who prays, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!! In case you didn't receive a paper copy of my prayer card, I am posting the requests here: 

Please pray:

·         For safety while traveling, making airline connections, and staying in hotels in the U.S.A.; and from potential violence or rioting in Haiti 

·         That my luggage will arrive, that the customs process will go smoothly, and that I will meet my driver at the airport without any problems

·         For intestinal fortitude, immunity to disease and overall good health

·         For humility as I learn from the staff and children at GLA, that I would not try to “fix things” with my North American biases

·         For protection from forces of spiritual darkness, as Voodoo is the main “religion” of Haiti.  Pray that the Good News of Jesus Christ would spread rapidly throughout the island nation. 

·         For the staff, children, and other volunteers at the orphanage; that we would be able to develop meaningful connections easily and work well together

·         For Michel Martelly, the new president of Haiti, and his government, that God will guide them in making the best decisions for the future of the nation.

·         For all the children of Haiti who need someone to love, protect, and care for them, and to provide for their daily needs

Ok, so I didn’t quite make it to bed by ten.  But I’ll be headed there as soon as I hit publish.  I’ll most likely write my next post from a Miami hotel room.  Until then...

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